Gift of Flight Read online

Page 17

“Dang it.” Jarron muttered.

  The Magial was now in close pursuit of Jarron. He rocked his ship from side to side to keep his opponent from scoring a direct hit. Off in the distance Jarron spotted an asteroid field. A grin crossed wickedly on his face. The Magial scored a hit on his ship. The indicator on his shields flickered but stayed green. Jarron guessed that the ship could take two more hits before the shields fell. Jarron was sacrificing the hits to take advantage of the asteroid field. He had no doubt that these military pilots did not train in asteroids. Jarron took the Keg through one, he was quite good at avoiding asteroids at this point. Jarron spin his ship in a circle to continue to keep avoiding the Magial’s fire. Even with that, the Magial scored another hit, which changed the ship’s shield indicator to yellow. He had one more hit before he would lose.

  The comm crackled again, “You have one left. I do not know what you are thinking but that asteroid field is one of the densest fields in Magial space. Turn around, or you will die.”

  Jarron turned the comm off. He needed to concentrate. He entered the asteroid field and took a second to check and see if the Magial following him had the nerve to enter as well. Jarron was extremely confident that he would. Like the Eal’tain, the Magial exuded overconfidence. It was crystal clear that each thought themselves superior to other races. There was likely no Magial pilot who would not have followed an ‘inferior’ human into a dangerous situation. Jarron rocked to the left and to the right swerving around the various asteroids around them. Yurian was right about this one. It was quite dense, probably a bit more so than the one near Terra. Jarron continued to swerve and dodge asteroids. He was not sure when it was but the Magial behind him had given up trying to fire at Jarron and now was instead just dodging asteroids. Jarron found the task quite easy. He decided it was time to end this. There was a small gap in the field. Jarron quickly decided to perform a flip right there. Right as he was about to hit the gap he pulled the sticks, one forward and one backed, which caused his ship to flip and face the Magial’s ship. His ship missed a nearby asteroid by a few centimeters. Jarron literally could have reached out and touched the asteroid! Jarron fired as many times as he could at the Magial, four of which rocked his opponent’s ship. There was no doubt that the Magial was expecting such a dangerous move and was unable to respond before being eliminated.

  Jarron clapped his gloved hands together and said loudly to himself, “Ha!”

  He then grabbed the sticks again before heading out of the asteroid field and back towards the ship he launched from. His sensors let him know that the Magial was close behind him.

  Chapter 17

  Elyse and Yurian were waiting in the hangar bay when he brought the ship in and landed it. As the cockpit opened Jarron grinned before climbing out.

  Right as he was out Yurian announced, “It was everything I expected and more. You are truly a gifted pilot. I doubt that there is any other human pilot who could defeat a Magial and yet you made light work of one of our best.”

  Jarron just shrugged. Elyse jogged up to him and gave him a firm hug. He hugged her back.

  He could hear her whisper, “You are insane.”

  Jarron chuckled before releasing his hug on Elyse.

  Turning to Yurian Jarron said, “Are you going to hold up your end of the bargain?”

  In almost a scoffing tone he replied, “Of course. We Magial are honorable. It is what separates us from the Eal’tain who will betray you for their own purposes. Follow me.”

  Elyse took Jarron’s left arm as they began to follow Yurian again through the Magial hallways. They had blended into each other to the point Jarron had little idea where was where. He had no doubt if he stayed long enough he could learn it all but he had no intention of doing that.

  As they walked Yurian stated, “I knew that you would win before we even left my throne room.”

  Jarron was puzzled. Why would he purposely propose something that would cause Jarron and Elyse their opportunity to escape?

  “I wager you wonder why I would allow you an easy exit.”


  “While your special talent as a focal point is piloting. No doubt as a small child you imagined flying about in a stunning manner. Mine is leadership. When I was little I dreamt of leading men. Of one day ruling the Hegemony. Like you, being a focal point has allowed me the skills I dreamt of.”

  “Okay…” Jarron replied.

  “The second my men reported the ship we captured had the two of you I knew it was going to be a test of my skills. I knew we could not just battle. The likelihood that my ship would be heavily damage, even if we won, was too great. It would bring great dishonor to me and derail my plans. I could not just let you go. That too would stain my honor. The only way I could see that would allow us an opportunity was to transfer the stain of honor onto someone else. I knew the second you said you were a pilot that my escape plan from this situation was at hand. It is unfortunate that one of my pilots lost but the Magial understand the capabilities of a focal point so the stain to his honor would be limited. I let you go as I promised, honor would dictate I follow my word, and it has no effect on me whatsoever.”

  Jarron was quite impressed. In the brief moment that they arrives and Yurian’s approaching the Keg this Magial had come up with that plan. He was quite a shrewd being. Jarron hoped that the Galactic Defense Force was going to be enough to deal with him when he finally got control of the Magial. Jarron had no doubt he would someday rule them.

  “Well we are here.” Yurian announced as they came to a door, which whipped open as they approached it.

  Jarron grinned when he spotted the Keg still sitting in the hangar bay. Mael exited the hatch with Feligrin when they approached.

  Mael walked up to Jarron and reached out with a hand to gently stroke his cheek before saying, “Exactly as I expected but very disappointing. We could have had so much fun.”

  She gave him a wicked grin before starting to move towards Elyse who responded by backing away from her.

  “So lovely.” Mael said sadly before she walked out of the hangar.

  Yurian chuckled before saying, “My sister always was a little forward. Consider yourself lucky. Our time for conflict has not yet come. Someday it may.”

  He spun on his heel and marched out of the hangar bay.

  Announcing quickly Jarron said, “Let’s go fast.”

  As Jarron entered the hatch Feligrin announced, “Hain got the Keg ready enough for us to make one short fold. We’re gonna need some serious repairs.”

  “Alright. Let’s get the heck outta here. We can figure things out once we’re clear of the Magial.”

  Once the hatch closed Jarron led them up to the cockpit. Hain was waiting for them.

  “Lad I got the ship as fixed as I can here. We need to find a port so I can get some parts.”

  “Alright Hain.” Jarron replied before sitting down.

  They cleared the bay and once they were fully out Feligrin started looking at the nav computer to try and find a nearby location for them to hobble over to. Jarron sighed. Even if they made it to some port of call there was no guarantee that they would have everything Hain would need. Although with Hain it probably would not take too much to get them there. The nav computer beeped. Feligrin looked at the nav computer when it beeped.

  He examined the results and stated the results, “The only planet close enough to our location to make it is called Ionus.”

  Hain grunted and Jarron groaned out in pain. Ionus was a crappy little hole in the middle of nowhere. It was a distance settlement that was eventually overwhelmed by a pirate gang. The Galactic Defense Force freed the settlement a while back but the Galactic Union did not provide any support to it. The planet itself had a very limited supply of natural resources so it had little value. The only city on the planet was a trader’s hub, which could work for them but the last Jarron heard about the place it was not that busy.

  “What’s wrong?” Elyse asked.

was first to answer, “Ionus isna the best place to try this sort o thing. Oh well, let’s git goin’.”

  Mara then added, “How so?”

  Jarron was first to respond, “Its a bit of backwater planet with very limited resources.”

  Giving a thoughtful nod Mara stated, “Ahh. I’ve got no doubt my Hain will be able to fix things right easily enough still.”

  Feligrin commented, “He’ll prolly enjoy the challenge.”

  Jarron laughed, which Hain retorted, “Aye… a challenge. Well git us there so we can get this over with. I’d gone and promised Mara we’d git hitched on Terra.”

  “I’ve always wanted to witness a Kalan wedding.” Jarron stated.

  Mara then stated, “There won’t be one. We’re gonna do a simple civil ceremony with a few witnesses.”

  Interrupting the conversation Hain said, “Aye well let’s tackle the issue at hand. We’ll worry bout that stuff later. I’m goin’ to the engine room in case.”

  Hain stood up and stomped off.

  Mara rose from her chair and stated, “I’m goin’ with Hain.”

  She left. Elyse took the seat behind Jarron. Feligrin nodded at Jarron, a hint that it was time to head off. The Magial fleet suddenly lurched into the fold, immediately disappearing. Jarron was very surprised that Yurian kept his word, although like Tiberius had mentioned about focal points. They were so rare that anyone who knew about them would not purposely harm one. Jarron reached out and activated the fold engine. The Keg rocked slightly and leapt into the fold.

  After taking a glance at the nav computer Jarron saw the timer before announcing, “We’ve got 3 hours til we get there.”

  Feligrin announced, “I’m gonna go check up on Hain.”


  As soon as Feligrin left Elyse took his seat.

  She spun it to face him before saying, “That was more than a little unusual.”

  “Yes. Yes it was. I’m starting to wonder how much about the other races we’ve always been taught is true. I’ve met every single known race in the galaxy and more than half of what I was taught as a kid in school turned out not to be true.”

  Elyse chuckled at him before saying, “I was very surprised they let us go.”

  “I know. I think Yurian was being honest. He realized that we were not worth the trouble we would have caused him. I’m just glad we made our escape, although it’s gonna be a bit of work to get the Keg running well enough to make it to Terra.”

  “So we’re still going to see your family?”

  Giving a grin to her he answered, “Of course. Speaking of which lemme send my mom a message so she’ll know we’re running behind schedule.”

  “Don’t tell her what happened, it will prolly make her upset.”

  Jarron replied, “Of course. I haven’t told her about any of the situations we’ve been in. It’ll freak her out.”

  As Jarron began to type out a brief message Elyse laughed.

  “What’s so funny?” He asked.

  “That Mael was sure trying to best to freak us out.”

  Giving a firm laugh he stated, “I think she was serious.”

  Elyse’s face shifted to a frown, which Jarron chuckled at. They chatted about random things for the next two or so hours before the nav computer beeped a warning that they were close to their destination. Feligrin strolled back in. Jarron assumed that Hain and Mara would join them at the hatch once they landed so he took the ship out of the fold. The star system they were in was very unusual because it had an old red star with only the one planet, Ionus, orbiting around it. Ionus was a haggard looking mostly brown planet with a limited amount of water on it. He had not been here before but he read the charts for it. Ionus was a never was and never would be planet. He ran the scanner over the planet and immediately identified the capital city. The planet had several small villages and towns sprinkled throughout but there was only one big enough to be a city. It was still much smaller than even the Lunar Colony. Maybe it had a few thousand people living in it. Getting these repairs done was going to push Hain’s abilities. Once the ship landed on the crude spaceport, which had four landing pads, he met Hain and Mara at the hatch. Feligrin volunteered to stay back and monitor the ship in case anyone tried to approach it.

  Once the hatch opened Elyse stated, “It smells funny here.”

  He agreed with her. It smelled almost like sulfur, which was weird since the planet had so little industrialization in it. He had assumed it would smell like fresh air but that was not the case. Jarron glanced around to take in the planet. The buildings around them were made mostly of concrete and appeared to be in disrepair. He spotted a few dozen human children who appeared to be homeless. They were wearing old ill-fitting clothing and appeared to in need of a bath. They also looked quite hungry. A group of them started to approach Jarron and his friends but when Hain hefted his maul rifle they turned away. After looking around they spotted a building that very much looked like a vendor or store.

  “That looks like a good spot.” Hain announced.

  As soon as Hain began walking towards the shop. Jarron started to follow him. Hain was always just stomp off in the direction of where ever he was headed without warning. They were being closely watched by many stragglers standing around. Standing off to the side, leaning against the wall, was a man that Jarron was very wary of. He was wearing a dark brown tunic, a black long coat, black trousers, and a pair of leather boots. Around his waist, and under the long coat, was a belt that plainly was holding a blaster. Everything he was wearing indicated that he had much more money than others around them. Jarron guessed he was probably hired muscle of some gang lord. He looked pretty tough. They caught eyes for a moment and the man did not flinch. Jarron grinned at him for a moment before turning away. There was no doubt that the man was a tough guy of some sort. Normally when strangers stared at each other accidentally, the normal man would give a casual nod before turning away. This man just stared back firmly. He was watching them with a purpose. Jarron shrugged it off as he followed Hain into the shop.

  As Jarron entered the battered old building he heard Hain ask, “Hey there. I’m lookin’ for a few items to do some repairs on my ship. Here’s a list.”

  Hain set down a data pad. An older beat up looking man with a dirty beat up tunic and patchy brown trouser. His hands were rough from long years of wear. The graying hair on his head was thinning throughout. The man took a look at the data pad for a moment while mumbling to himself. Setting down Hain’s data pad the man moved to an old looking binder, which he picked up and then shuffled through for a moment.

  “Well Mr. Kalan,” He started to say.



  “My name is Hain.”

  Nodding solemnly at Hain the man responded, “Ahhh. Mr. Hain. Well, I do have a few of these but you’ll have to bounce through several shops. You’ve got on there an item that ya ain’t gonna get in town.”

  “What’s that?” Hain asked.

  Tapping on the data pad he answered, “The refined Erunium. There isn’t any available in town.”

  Jarron frowned. Refined Erunium was the primary fuel that powered the Keg. Unless there was a raw source and a refinery, something he doubted, they would be in a bit of trouble.

  Hain asked, “Is there some outside of this town?”

  “I only know of one source but you aren’t gonna like it.”

  “And what’s that?” Mara asked before anyone could.

  “A long time ago we briefly had a run on Erunium in one mine but before it could be acted on a rebellion hit the planet. The rebels were unable to defeat the Guardian but they took control of the mines and half built refinery. I’ve heard it’s sittin’ there rotting away.”

  Jarron was curious so he asked, “Why didn’t the rebels use it?”

  “They’re part of some religious group that thinks modern technology is evil or something silly like that.”

  Rubbing his chin thoughtfully Jarro
n wondered about their religion. He just encountered Elyse’s religion and she did not seem to have any issue with technology outside of not knowing how to use it. The whole religion thing was very new to him. Sure in the past religion played a huge role in society but humans moved beyond it largely after first contact with the Kalan. He heard stories about various religions but had little personal experience until he met Elyse.

  “Well, I guess we’ll buy what we need and figure out how to get the Erunium once we only need it.” Hain stated.

  The man brought out several various parts and a few sheets of steel from a back room before exchanging them with Hain. The man negotiated the price with Hain for a bit, Jarron felt bad for him because the Kalan were renown for their ability to negotiate prices down. Hain got all of the items for half of what Jarron guessed it would normally cost.

  As they walked out of the shop Hain announced, “Lad can you an the lass take this stuff to the Keg. Me n Mara will git the rest of the stuff. Once you git this stowed away I want ya to take some gold n go rent us a conveyance. We’re gonna been needin’ it to go find these mines to git some Erunium.”

  Hain passed some gold over to Elyse before giving him all of the various parts that he just bought.

  “Why did you give her the gold?” Jarron asked.

  Giving a laugh Hain answered, “The last time I gave ya that much gold ya went n spent it tryin’ to impress a busty redheaded lass back on Oninio Prime.”

  Jarron flushed. He had forgotten all about her. Her name was Justine and he had to admit it was a good time.

  Elyse nudged him roughly before declaring, “Someone’s got a story to tell.”

  He realized immediately that Hain mentioned the redhead just to mess with him. He decided to even the battlefield.

  “Well since we’re bringing up redhead Hain maybe you could tell Elyse about the Kalan one we met back on Yue III.”

  Before anyone could respond Mara tugged on Hain’s arm and announced, “Well we’ve got some shoppin’ to do while Hain does some explainin’.”

  Jarron chuckled wickedly. After all he was not the only one who had a good time during those years they worked together. He felt Elyse pull on his arm.