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Gift of Flight Page 7

  The comm buzzed, "Attention departing cargo ship. State your cargo and crew numbers."

  Jakob pushed the comm button and replied, "This is the cargo ship Golden Centaur. My cargo is exo-shield stabilizers for the Lunar Colony. My crew consists of one very old man."

  As soon as he released the button Jarron asked, "Why didn't you mention us?"

  Jakob laughed and then replied, "Because I can tell when someone doesn't wanna be mentioned."

  "Couldn't they just scan us?" Jarron asked with concern deep in his voice.

  With a chuckle Jakob replied, "Yup, but this ship is made from certain metals that cause scans to work irregularly. If they scan us they will find themselves unable to know anything about her other than the fact she can't be scanned right. Sometimes newfangled tech hurts as much as it helps."

  Jarron grinned. They seemed to have lucked their way into the right ship. Jakob immediately began working the nav computer to calculate the trip.

  The comm buzzed again, "Golden Centaur we're unable to scan you. Return to your dock for an inspection."

  Loudly Jakob said, "Like hell! This shipment can't wait on those fools. Once the nav computer is ready we're outta here. I'll deal with the idiots once we get to the Lunar Colony. I ain't losing 600 gold cause these fools."

  Jarron was relieved by his response. He knew that returning back to the station would put them in danger. The nav computer finally issued a beep, which Jarron immediately responded to by pulling the fold engine activation lever. The old ship lurched forward roughly and then leapt into the fold.

  Jakob turned to them and casually said, "So lad you gonna tell me why they were after ya?"

  Jarron turned to look at Elyse. He actually felt very comfortable about the man. Elyse nodded at him. Jarron turned back to Jakob and told him everything from the point that it all had started. He even included their abilities. After an hour of telling the tale Jakob looked unconvinced.

  "Show him." Jarron instructed Elyse.

  She nodded grimly and then glanced about the cockpit until she saw an old cup sitting on the control panel. Pulses of energy flowed through Jarron and the cup slowly rose upward. She gently moved the cup until she reached out and snatched it from the air. Jarron was released from the grasp of her powers. Jakob looked completely stunned.

  After a half minute or so he finally said, "I'll be damned lad, you weren't lyin'. So this man who is after you wants those powers. What's he aimin' to do with em?"

  Jarron shrugged before saying, "He didn't say, but he made it clear that he would do anything to continue his tests on me."

  Jakob replied with a kind smile, "Well I'm glad to help ya slip out of his grasp then."

  Elyse said, "Thank you. We just want to live our lives in peace together and this mad man won't leave us alone."

  Jakob nodded at her. He slowly stood from his seat. Jarron could almost imagine the adventures the man had been on in his long life.

  As he headed towards the exit of the cockpit he said, "I'm gonna take a nap. This fold is gonna be almost seven hours. I suggest ya both get some rest too. I'll have an alarm set to make sure everyone is up beforehand."

  Jarron nodded at him. As the man left Jarron stood up, which caused Elyse to immediately stand as well.

  "Let's get some rest." Jarron said.

  Chapter 5

  The small bunk bed in the guest quarters was a bit of a tight fit but Jarron still found the small nap relaxing. He awoke when the intercom buzzed with repeated chime. Jarron recognized it as a ship wide alarm clock. Elyse slowly climbed off of the bed and then Jarron followed behind her. Jarron could hardly wait until they would be able to get aboard the Keg safely because he felt that it might be a good idea for them to go into hiding for a while. They seriously needed to design a new plan of attack to deal with Tiberius. Jarron took Elyse by her hand and walked her back to the cockpit. Jakob was sitting in the navigator's chair. Jarron guided Elyse to the weapon's chair and then took a seat.

  "Well young man, I'm greatly appreciative of you flying my ship. After this load I'll prolly take a break til my arm heals and then get back at it. I just couldn't afford the loss on this shipment. What will you and your lady friend do next?"

  Jarron answered him, "Well we're going to meet our friends and then head off to somewhere safe. Hopefully we can make it just fine."

  The ship stuttered as it came out of the fold, it was not exactly the smoothest exit but it got the job done. Jarron took the controls and began to guide the ship to the Lunar Colony.

  "Wow it's beautiful!" Elyse proclaimed.

  "What is?" Jarron asked.

  "That's Terra right?" She asked pointing at Terra.

  Jarron nodded as he took a look at it. Unlike most planets, Terra was almost all water now. At one time it had much more landmass but the asteroid strike changed much about the planet. Now it only had several large islands that were the remaining high elevation areas of the old planet, the rest was water. In school Jarron learned it was a result of Lucas Miramar's device, but he did not know much more about it. He was raised in New Timbuktu, which was the largest city on Terra and its capital. His father was one of the lead administrators in the Terran government and his mother a professor. The planet glistened like a jewel with fluffy white streaks of clouds that circled around the blue orb. Reflecting on it now, Jarron realized that it was probably one of the most beautiful planets to see from space.

  Elyse said, "Hopefully we can go there soon."

  Jarron said resolutely, "We will, once we resolve our problems with Tiberius. I know my family would love to meet you."

  The comm buzzed, "Unidentified ship state your title, destination and cargo."

  Jakob pushed the comm button and said, "This is the Golden Centaur. I'm due on the Lunar Colony with my urgent shipment of exo-shield stabilizers."

  The comm buzzed again, "Confirmed, head to landing port Charlie eighty-seven pad Alpha."

  Jarron slowly moved the ship towards the Lunar Colony. It moved as sluggishly as he suspected it would. After a few minutes he was able to slowly guide her down and with a rough shake she landed safely at the pad assigned to them.

  Jakob stood and reached out with a small pouch before saying, "Here is your payment young man, I wish you luck. I'm goin' to sit here and wait for my contact. Be safe friends."

  Jarron took the pouch and gave the man a firm handshake. After Elyse stood she reached out and gave him a firm hug. Jarron took Elyse's hand and guided her back through the ship. As soon as he opened the exit hatch of the ship Jarron realized they were in immediately danger.

  Surrounding the ship was about fifty or more men armed with blasters. They had known that Jarron and Elyse were there. Elyse tensed up as she held his hand.

  "Relax Elyse, let's see what they want." Jarron said as calmly as he could.

  One of the men who appeared to be the leader of their group lifted a small microphone device and spoke through it, "Surrender immediately and no one will be hurt. You both are wanted fugitives of the Galactic Union."

  Elyse said softly, "I don't want to hurt them."

  Jarron nodded. He did not fancy the idea of having to hurt a large group of innocent men who were just doing a task assigned to them under the false guises of an evil one.

  "Then don't." He told her quietly.

  "But I can't let them take you from me." She said firmly.

  Jarron completely understood since the idea from being separated from her was deeply unappealing.

  "Well don't let them do that either. We'll go with them, but if they try to separate us just use your powers to make me stay with you. They won't understand what's happening and will probably give up after a few tries."

  She nodded resolutely. Jarron guided her towards the man with the microphone device.

  "We're unarmed and very confused. We’re just two spacers finishing a mission." Jarron said coolly to them.

  The man with the microphone said, "Is your name Jarron Moynihan and hers
Elyse Duramon?"

  Jarron replied, "Yes, although she is my wife so her name is also Moynihan."

  The man replied, "Whatever, just come forward slowly and surrender. You both must be taken for in processing."

  "What crime did we commit that requires us to be in processed?" Jarron asked.

  The man replied, "As is your right, you are accused of four murders and she is accused of assault and battery with a deadly weapon."

  "Well we didn't commit any of those things, but we'll come with you as long as you agree not to separate us."

  He replied to Jarron, "You're in no position to make demands, now both of you on your knees."

  Jarron followed his direction, which Elyse imitated. As soon as they were on their knees the men swarmed over them, searching and binding them. When they attempted to separate them into different conveyances Jarron felt her powers pull him back towards her. No matter how hard the men struggled they could not separate them. After the last failed attempt Jarron smiled wickedly at the man.

  The man finally caved by saying, "Just put them together in the conveyance, we'll deal with them once we get to the station."

  They loaded them into the back of a cargo conveyance. Jarron could feel it accelerate and move away from the landing pad. He had no idea where they were taking him and Elyse.

  "If they try to drug or do anything to us, stop them." Jarron said.

  Elyse nodded solemnly at him. The ride was quick and they were offloaded at an official looking building that had the GDF logo boldly emblazoned on the front. The building was made heavily of glass and steel. It reminded Jarron more of an administration building than anything else. After they performed individual scans on Jarron and Elyse they attempted again to separate them, which failed as horribly as the first attempt.

  The man angrily said, "If they want to be together so badly, just throw them in a containment cell, just the two of them. I'll go get the Captain for this one."

  They guided Jarron and Elyse to a smaller holding cell and left them. Jarron glanced around and saw three possible access points that would allow that horrible gas to enter the cell.

  "Elyse, use your abilities to block these points," Jarron said as he pointed towards each point and then the camera, "I won't be gassed again by that man."

  Jarron felt the same pulsing as she used her powers. Each vent was brutally crushed and the camera destroyed. Elyse sighed heavily as she released him and took a seat on the bed. Jarron sat next to her and wrapped an arm around her.

  "What's the plan Jarron?" She asked.

  "Well we're gonna play along for a while. If we don't like where things are headed we'll simply just rip a hole through the walls here and leave. We can choose to cooperate but if they threaten our safety we'll respond in kind."

  She nodded sadly before saying, "I don't want to kill anyone I just blocked or knocked out those men when we escaped before."

  "I understand." Jarron said as he squeezed her closer to himself.

  The cell door opened and an older looking human woman entered. She was wearing the standard blue and green GDF uniform. Jarron was very shaky on rank. Hers looked as though it was some sort of bird holding sticks. Her lightly graying hair and steel blues eyes let him know she had seen a lot in her time. Jarron guessed she was in her late forties. She dragged a steel chair in the cell with her and then sat down in the chair, crossing her legs as she sat.

  She said evenly, "So, perhaps you both would care to share with me why my men cannot separate you as required by standard procedure."

  Jarron chuckled. Either her straightforward ways will help them or seriously hurt them. He decided to tell her everything and just see where things ended up.

  "What is your name?" He asked her.

  She replied, "I am Captain Drusilla Johnston, commanding officer of this facility, and you are?"

  Jarron rubbed his chin before glancing over to Elyse. She again must have sensed his plans since she just nodded at him.

  Jarron answered, "My name is Jarron Moynihan and this is my wife Elyse. I'm just a cargo pilot."

  Drusilla pulled out a small computer and perused it briefly before saying, "According to this you are both highly wanted by the GDF."

  Jarron replied smoothly, "Nope not the GDF, just a madman named Tiberius Miramar who wants to experiment on us."

  Drusilla laughed heartily before saying, "Why would one of the most powerful men in the galaxy want to experiment on two ordinary humans?"

  Jarron answered, "Because we aren't ordinary. How much do you know of the Gift?"

  "As much as everyone else." She said.

  "In order words very little," Jarron said with a quick grin before continuing, "You see Captain there are about five thousand people in the entire galaxy who have the Gift. Does this sound about right?"

  She nodded at his number.

  "Well as I am sure you know there is somewhere north of twelve trillion beings in the galaxy as well."

  She nodded again.

  "Well of those five thousand with the Gift, who compose a small fraction of the twelve trillion beings in the galaxy, how many of them can lift and control objects with their mind?"

  Drusilla laughed before saying, "No beings with the Gift have that ability. They are simply crude healers."

  Jarron grinned widely at her before saying, "What do you think people would say if they found someone with the Gift who could lift objects with their mind?"

  Drusilla shook her head before saying, "There is no such person."

  Jarron turned to Elyse and said, "Computer."

  Elyse nodded and looked to the small computer Drusilla was holding. It rose from her hands, which elicited a surprised gasp. Elyse released it and it responded by dropping back into Drusilla's hands.

  "Holy heck!" Drusilla said with a befuddled look on her face.

  "You see Captain Drusilla Johnston of the GDF. My wife is able to do this because she is married to a focal point."

  She looked even more confused as she said, "Focal point?"

  Jarron nodded and replied, "Indeed. Of the twelve trillion people there are about twenty who act as super charged batteries for those with the Gift. It allows them to heal on an exponentially stronger level and move objects with their minds. Tiberius Miramar wishes to experiment on me to find out how it works so he can control these abilities for his own reasons."

  She asked, "And what reasons would that be?"

  Jarron shrugged as he said, "I don't know. He didn't tell me when he held me prisoner before. It was only through luck that my friends came and saved us from him the first time."

  Drusilla asked, "Why didn't you use your power to escape my men in the landing pad? Surely if you could lift any object you could have overpowered them."

  Elyse finally spoke, "We didn't want to hurt anyone. We just want to be left alone to live our lives."

  Drusilla nodded thoughtfully and then stood before saying, "Well, let me go report this to my superiors. We'll need to figure out what to do with you."

  Jarron quickly interjected, "It’d be best to just release us and forget we were here."

  "That'll be on my list of options." Drusilla replied as she briskly exited the cell and the energy shield reactivated.

  They sat there for some time before Elyse finally spoke, "Do you think she believed us?"

  Jarron shrugged before saying, "No idea but she sure looked convinced. We'll know soon enough."

  After a long wait of an hour or so, voices rung out in the hallway. Jarron could not hear what they were saying but he could tell that one of them sounded irritated. After a moment Drusilla came in view. She was standing with Tiberius Miramar of all people! As soon as Tiberius saw them he stopped in his tracks. A look of great concern crossed his face. He started to back away.

  Jarron quickly whispered, "Pull him close to the energy shield."

  Elyse giggled as power flowed through Jarron. Tiberius was violently slammed into the outer part of the cell. He collapsed to the grou
nd as Elyse released him. Both of them stood from the bed that they were sitting on.

  Wickedly Jarron said, "Where you going Tiberius? Not happy to see us?"

  After a few seconds he recovered from his stun and slowly stood up. He brushed himself off. He did not look very pleased to see them like this at all. Jarron recognized that they had the advantage. He almost wished they could kill the man outright but that would only make things worse.

  Tiberius coolly replied, "I would say surprised Jarron. To be captured by the GDF of all people, they usually are not so effective."

  Jarron chuckled before saying, "Perhaps we set a trap to bring you to us? After all you went through so much effort to put out false reports of crimes we didn't commit in order to have us captured. The least we could do is to oblige you."

  Tiberius nodded thoughtfully before saying, "In retrospect it was probably not the wisest way to catch your attention."

  "Well you have it now Tiberius. Elyse my dear, could you kindly bump our friend into the shield one more time to make sure we have all of his attention?"

  Immediately she raised Tiberius up and slammed him roughly into the energy shield. He fell to the ground again, this time some trickling of blood began to creep from his nose. Drusilla helped him rise from the ground. Jarron felt Elyse’s powers release him.

  "You have my undivided attention." He said groggily.

  Jarron then said, "I was hoping so. It'd be a shame to have to keep bouncing you off inanimate objects. Although with our practice we could do it all day long."

  Jarron said the last part evilly in a loud voice.

  "Well you have my attention now Jarron, what do you wish to say?" Tiberius stated.

  Jarron nodded at the man before saying, "First, how about you deactivate that energy shield. It'd be much harder for Elyse to bounce you into it if it is disabled."

  Tiberius immediately deactivated the shield. Jarron took Elyse by the hand and exited the cell, standing almost directly next to Tiberius. He was much shorter than Jarron had realized. Jarron patted the man on his shoulder firmly.